Fix Windows Error Reporting WerFault.exe high CPU, Disk ...

2019年1月23日—Todothisgotosearchandtypeservices.mscandopenit.GotoWindowsErrorReportingService.Openitandsetittodisableandstopthe ...,2013年12月16日—ItseemsthatyouarefacingissueswithhighCPUusageonthecomputer.Thisissuemighthavealsocausedduetosomethi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Windows problem reporting can't stop

2019年1月23日 — To do this go to search and type services.msc and open it. Go to Windows Error Reporting Service. Open it and set it to disable and stop the ...

windows problem reporting using high disk ,cpu and ram.

2013年12月16日 — It seems that you are facing issues with high CPU usage on the computer. This issue might have also caused due to some third party programs.

5 Fixes for High CPU Usage by Windows Problem Reporting

To fix the “high CPU usage by Windows problem reporting” service, restart the Windows error reporting service, run the SFC scan, or use the disk cleanup tool.

Fix Windows Problem Reporting (Werfault.exe) High CPU

2019年11月21日 — Method 1: Run the System File Checker · Method 2: Use the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool · Method 3: Perform a Disk Cleanup · Method 4: Scan ...

Fix 100% Disk Usage in Windows 10 Task Manager

2023年12月14日 — Learn solutions to fix 100 percent disk usage in Windows 10 or 11, from easy fixes to more involved methods. Then, get Avast Cleanup to help ...


2023年7月7日 — What can you do if encounter the Windows Error Reporting high CPU/Disk usage problem on your computer? Read this post to know the solutions.

How do I fix the Windows problem reporting a high CPU?

2016年3月26日 — Then you can right click on the process and click end process. You also need to disable some startup software and services you don't need.


2021年5月28日 — To fix Windows Error Reporting high CPU and disk usage issues, scan your main drive for errors and update your drivers.

Windows Error Reporting WerFault.exe high CPU, Disk ...

2023年2月22日 — Windows Error Reporting (WerFault.exe) high CPU, Disk, Memory usage could be due to system file issues, amongst other reasons.


2019年1月23日—Todothisgotosearchandtypeservices.mscandopenit.GotoWindowsErrorReportingService.Openitandsetittodisableandstopthe ...,2013年12月16日—ItseemsthatyouarefacingissueswithhighCPUusageonthecomputer.Thisissuemighthavealsocausedduetosomethirdpartyprograms.,Tofixthe“highCPUusagebyWindowsproblemreporting”service,restarttheWindowserrorreportingservice,runtheSFCscan,orusethediskcleanuptool.,...